Air-conditioning systems, ventilation

Cleaning of waste air - Biofiltres

Cleaning of air from heavy and foul odours using air washers and biological filters is not applied in sewage treatment only. Biochemical processes provide possibility to clean of air in following branches...

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Heating units

Make your selection from our wide range of air heaters with various output characteristics. You can choose between circular and square connection with an electric or water heater and a wide range of accessories from regulation elements to external sensors and switches.

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Ventilation units

We offer you wide range of our compact ventilation units which thanks to their quality processing, complete electronic regulation, wide range of air flow, heat and cooling outputs, find its utilization in many applications and brings the required effect to our customers...

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Heat recovery units

Commercial ventilation and Residential ventilation.

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Air curtains

We would like to present to you our wide range of air curtains, which thanks to their high-quality design, complete regulation, wide range of air and heating outputs, can be utilised for many different applications and provide our customers with the desired effect – energy savings.

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